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An interview with the Social Media group

Amy, Dan and Jethro from the the Social Media group, volunteered themselves to be interviewed for a special ‘Interview with…’ blog post.

Here’s what they said;



What is your name?



How many days a week do you come to assist?

4 days


Do you like coming to assist?

Yes I like being with my friends, laughing and having fun with them.


What are your favourite groups?

Out and About – I like shopping!


What groups don’t you like?

I don’t like gardening


What would you like to improve about assist?

To have new toilets in the cloak room


Do you have a work placement or job at assist? Do you enjoy it?

I have an internal job, sorting out the employment board. I enjoy it



What is your name?



How long have you been coming to assist?

12 years


How many days do you come to assist?

3 days a week


Do you like coming to assist?



What are your favourite groups?



What groups don’t you like?

I like all my groups


How have notice any change in yourself from assist?

Yes, I can control my temper more now


Do you have a work placement or job at assist?

I used to take the fridge temperatures and have a voluntary placement at The Feed café but I don’t do these any more.


What are you goals for the future?

I’d love to get a work placement mending cars.


Do you have any suggestions for new groups?

A holiday group – planning and going on a holiday with the whole group.




What is your name?



How long have you been coming to assist?

Since 2007


How many days do you come to assist?

On Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. I go to stepping stones Mondays and Tuesdays.


Do you like coming to assist?



What are your favourite groups?

Baking with Gerry and Kelly


What groups don’t you like?

I’m not very keen on the swimming group


What would you like to improve about assist?

I would like to do more shopping groups


Do you have a work placement or job at assist?

Yes – I update the job board


What are you goals for the future?

I would like to do the dish washer and milk jobs


Do you have any suggestions for new groups?

A bingo group with prizes