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Poems from the Creative Writing Group

The Creative Writing Group have written some fantastic poems recently all about the different things they’ve seen around the Colegate area.



Walking in the spitting rain,

singing along the wibbly wobbly path,

black birds singing on the chimney,

square bricks in the arch.


Boats rocking on the water,

Colours, merging together, reflections

of yellow, orange and pink flowers,

making a rainbow.


Sitting with friends, having lunch by the river,

geese and goslings swimming,

making the water wrinkly


People in the park, dreaming about tree houses,

the birds charming the worms with their song.

There is a tall stingy itchy hedge,

The tree in the cage is a gift.


The purple lavender smells nice on my fingers,

Sheltering under the leaves, makes a green tent, touching the grass.

Nearby is a bench, not for climbing or recycling,

A beer barrel, next to the church window with hollyhocks



Nice warm sunny day

Bright blue without a cloud in the sky,

Leaves, green and waving in the breeze,

From Hannah’s window she can see the Octagon

We walk through gates as blue as the sky

There is a dome and a triangle, held up by columns, spirals on top.

There is a pointy spikey thing on top.


Crunch, crunch, crunch, walking on the gravel

Seagulls are squawking

Hot red bricks, feel like sandpaper

Spiral spike with leaves, made of dusty iron

Bright Gladioli, frilly, pink and yellow like the sun

Plastic grass is smooth and sparkly

And a blue door in a blue wall



Smooth square stone and black flint

Circles, squares and tears

Windows diamond criss cross

Light shining through

Shadows of leaves, tossing in the wind


Home for the circus

Ben hanging up-side down

Maverick in spider’s webs

Hugh can see a face, in the base, of the lamp


Down St Miles alley

Makes us smile

Bees buzzing

In the hot pink Geraniums


In the evening the lamps will come on

Brightening the church yard

Pigeons cooing

Magpies chattering

Gardeners going home.



Smooth path

Star, golden

Silver chairs


Silky smooth latte

Star, swinging in the breeze


Shiney green man on the wall

Shiney green man at the crossing